

  • 6
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 上海市 宝山区 上海市宝山区沪太路5589号A座楼241室
  • 姓名: 郑经理
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信已绑定


  • 所属行业:工程机械 机械液压元件 液压马达
  • 发布日期:2022-01-04
  • 阅读量:295
  • 价格:300.00 元/只 起
  • 产品规格:ASC
  • 产品数量:10.00 只
  • 包装说明:原厂包装
  • 发货地址:上海宝山  
  • 关键词:ASC电动机



    ASC Antriebe Distribution & Service GmbH
    Planetary Gearboxes, Worm Gearboxes & more with Full Service - from ASC

    When it is about drives and transmissions, it is the ASC ANTRIEBE DISTRIBUTION & SERVICE GmbH since more than 20 years, your strong partner with international background. If it is worm gearboxes, planetary gearboxes, screw jacks or even torque limiters - we offer quality from one hand - individually cut to your demand!

    Planetary gearboxes, worm gearboxes, screw jacks - triple variety from ASC

    In main focus are our planetary gearboxes for industrial and mobile application with torque rating up to 3 000 000 Nm. Especially reliable and long life quality are our SALA shaftmount gearbox Series J. Same is Benzlers Series F, gearboxes are widely used in paper mills, saw mills and related industries where the advantage of the KIBO hollow shaft for fast mounting and dismounting is used. Through its modular design very variable is also the Series BS worm gear boxes - that with a special Tufram coating and stainless shafts- gets environmental classification and suitable for food industry. The screw jacks and lifting systems from our series BD follow the vast demands in plastic machineries, but are used in all other segments like steel industry.
    These are only three examples from our wide variety of industrial gearboxes - while we also offer the suitable unit from our other series like helical-, bevelhelical gearbox or hoistung gearboxes for you.

    Competence from A-Z, whether it is shaft mount gearbox, bevel gearbox or gear coupling

    With our experience we offer more than screw jacks or bevel gears but also elastic couplings, torque limiters with overload release for full packege supply following your demand.
    From components, modified standard solutions to your customized application:

    ASC 56,ASC 56,ASC 63 ,ASC 63 ,ASC 71 ,ASC 71,ASC 80 ,ASC 80 
    ASC 90 ,ASC 90 ,ASC 100 ,ASC 112 M-2 ,ASC 132 SA-2 ,ASC 132 SB-2
    ASC 56 A-4 ,ASC 56 B-4 ,ASC 63 A-4 ,ASC 63 B-4 ,ASC 71 A-4 
    ASC 71 B-4 ,ASC 80 A-4 ,ASC 80 B-4 ,ASC 90 S-4 ,ASC 90 L-4 
    ASC 100 LA-4 ,ASC 100 LB-4 ,ASC 112 M-4 ,ASC 132 S-4 
    ASC 132 M-4,ASC 71 A-6,ASC 71 B-6 ,ASC 80 A-6 ,ASC 80 B-6 
    ASC 90 S-6 ,ASC 90 L-6 ,ASC 100 LA-6 ,ASC 112 M-6 ,ASC 132 SB-6 
    ASC 132 MA-6 ,ASC 132 MB-6 ,ASC 80 A-8 ,ASC 80 B-8 ,ASC 90 S-8 
    ASC 90 L-8 ,ASC 100 LA-8 ,ASC 100 LB-8 ,ASC 112 M-8 ,ASC 132 S-8 
    ASC 132 M-8 ,ASC 56 ,ASC 63,ASC 71 ,ASC 80 ,ASC 90S 
    ASC 90L ,ASC 100 L,ASC 112 M ,ASC 132 S ,ASC 132 M 
    欢迎来到上海安木国际贸易有限公司网站, 具体地址是上海市宝山区上海市宝山区沪太路5589号A座楼241室,联系人是郑经理。 主要经营车门测速仪,电容器,温控器。 单位注册资金未知。 价格战,是很多行业都有过的恶性竞争,不少厂家为了在价格战役中获胜,不惜以牺牲产品质量为代价,而我们公司坚决杜绝价格战,坚持用优质的原材料及先进的技术确保产品质量,确保消费者的合法利益。